Category: First Time Selling

Everything you need to know to start selling on eBay, from listing and shipping items to spotting common scams and understanding the defect system.

Common eBay Scams for First Time Sellers to Avoid Part 2

Thousands of eBay transactions happen successfully every week, but there are a minority of scammers out there looking to take advantage of sellers. New eBay sellers are, of course, more vulnerable to being tricked with less experience and knowledge of the most common scam scenarios. An unfortunately necessary sequel to the first part last year,…

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A New Seller’s Guide to Finding an eBay Niche

A successful niche is one that is large enough to support an eBay business but also small enough so that there are not many competitors to cut into profits. There is an indeterminable number of niches still to be found on eBay, providing plenty of opportunity for new and experienced sellers alike. The most difficult…

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Common eBay Scams for First Time Sellers to Avoid

Unsuspecting sellers are vulnerable to become victims of fraudsters. Being aware of some of the most frequent scams is a great way to lower the chance of it happening.  New eBay sellers should remain cautious, but remember that not everything that initially reads as a scam actually is one. Here are some tips, tricks and warning…

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