Posts by Gemma

10 Tips for Successful International Selling on eBay

Selling to international buyers on eBay is a great way to increase sales for your business. After all, eBay is one of the world’s largest marketplaces. It can be understandably overwhelming however, to begin the process of selling to international buyers. In continuation of our international selling series, this ten point blueprint is essential reading…

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How to Effectively Use Keywords in eBay Listing Titles

The title of a listing, alongside an image, is the first impression a potential buyer has of an item. It strongly influences their decision to read more about the product and potentially later purchase. For this reason, writing effective listing titles should not be underestimated by new sellers. Keywords are a crucial factor in creating successful…

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Understanding eBay’s Guaranteed Delivery Program

In an attempt to compete with other online retailers, eBay has recently introduced a Guaranteed Delivery (GD) program that advertises specific delivery dates to buyers and provides compensation when items arrive late. Confident that buyers will ‘love’ the program, it may prove to be harder to convince sellers about the benefits of Guaranteed Delivery. Read…

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How to Spot eBay Scams: a New Sellers Guide

Plenty of new eBay sellers come afoul of scammers while trying to make their first sales. While it is useful to be aware of specific eBay scams (and we’ve featured quite a few already), it is also helpful for new sellers to be familiar with common scam characteristics. Recognizing these can help avoid many scam situations…

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Understanding eBay’s Vero Program

The Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) program has been around for quite a few years yet there are undoubtedly many eBay sellers who haven’t even heard of it. This guide will explore what exactly the program is, how sellers can avoid interaction with it and what to do if accused of infringing VeRO policies. eBay’s VeRO…

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6 Important Considerations when Selling Internationally on eBay

Selling to international buyers on eBay can be a lucrative proposition. However, there are a number of pitfalls and potential selling obstructions that await uninformed sellers who may spontaneously choose to enter the global eBay market. The second part of our new international selling series, here are six very important things to think about before shipping…

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8 Ways to Help Avoid a Summer Slowdown on eBay

Every eBay seller’s year is different. For some, September is the month with most sales. For others, spring is the consistently successful. One trend is common though; a slump in sales during summer. Buyers are drawn away from browsing on eBay to instead spend time on the beach, in their garden or at yard sales….

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10 Underhand Selling Practices to Stay Away From

It is not only sellers who have to be wary of scams and unethical tactics while spending time on eBay. Buyers are also kept on their toes by a small minority of unscrupulous sellers trying to make a few extra bucks or shirk best selling practices. Here are ten underhand tactics to stay completely clear…

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Selling Internationally on eBay: the Basics

eBay is one of the world’s largest marketplaces, with over 149 million active buyers around the globe using the site. Though the site may have originally been founded in the US, over 60% of eBay’s net revenue is now earned via the international marketplace. With this in mind, there is undoubtedly money to be made selling to…

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How to Use eBay’s Promoted Listings Effectively

Promoted Listings Standard is an eBay selling tool, tasked with helping sellers boost the visibility of their listings. A form of paid advertising, the increased visibility offered by Promoted Listings usually results in more traffic to a listing and therefore more sales. It is important to note that Promoted Listings Standard works on a pay-per-sale…

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